Fri, May 10 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Ellisville Town Hall
110 N Court St, Ellisville, MS 39437

If you’re interested in staying informed about local issues and having your voice heard in the decision-making process, then our weekly town council meeting is the perfect event for you!

Our town council meetings are open to the public and offer a unique opportunity to learn about the issues that are affecting our community and to participate in the decision-making process. At each meeting, our town council members will discuss and vote on a variety of topics, from infrastructure and development to public safety and community programs.

In addition to the council’s agenda, we also offer time for public comment and input, so you can share your thoughts and concerns on the issues that matter most to you. This is a great way to have a direct impact on the decisions that are being made in your community and to ensure that your voice is heard.

Attending our town council meetings is also a great way to stay informed about what’s happening in our community and to connect with other like-minded individuals who are passionate about making our town a better place to live and work.

So if you’re looking to get involved in your community and have a say in the issues that matter most, then join us at our weekly town council meeting. Together, we can work towards building a stronger, more vibrant, and more connected community for all.
